Academy Curriculum
St. John Paul the Great Academy is the only multi-age STREAM Academy in the Northwest corner of CT. Beginning as early as Pre-K 3, our educators teach our Pre-K through middle school students real world applications and life-long skills. In our liberal arts curriculum, the subjects are coordinated to support each other under an instructional framework highlighting how science, technology, religion, engineering, language arts, and mathematics all connect in the real world.
The STREAM Framework helps to develop critical thinkers and future leaders through the integration of Religion. It encourages a climate of innovation through faith and interdisciplinary instruction. It allows students to meet their goals through problem-solving, group collaboration and independent research in a progressive and creative learning environment.
Our STREAM Academy supports:
People not Programs
Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Rigorous Math, Language Arts and Science Courses
Engineering Skills
Computer Science &Technology
Understanding real-world impacts
Analyzing data & Higher Order Thinking (HOT)
Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them
Reasoning abstractly and quantitatively
Constructing viable arguments and critiquing reasoning of others
Model with mathematics
Using appropriate tools strategically
Looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning
Asking questions & defining problems
Developing & carrying out investigations
Analyzing & interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations & computational thinking
Constructing explanations & designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information