School Leadership

A Message From The Principal
Hello St. John Paul the Great Parish, my name is Edward Goad and I am beyond excited to begin work as principal of your distinguished St. John Paul the Great Academy.
I come from a family of educators, as my dad was a retired public school teacher and my mom is a retired Catholic school teacher. I currently reside in Monroe, CT with my wife and two sons of the ages 5 and 2.
Prior to SJPTGA, I spent 14 years at St. Bernadette School located in New Haven, CT; 10 of which as Middle School History and Religion Teacher and four as Principal. I received my undergrad and graduate degree from Southern CT State University and Educational Leadership credentials through the University of Creighton and Fordham University.
I would like to thank Fr. Emmanuel and the search committee for the opportunity and promise to be a hard working, energetic, loyal, and visible leader and presence in our community. I look forward to many years serving as your principal and working alongside the many talented educators and dedicated school board to make St. John Paul the Great the most prestigious STREAM Academy in Litchfield County and all of the Archdiocese of Hartford.
As the newest member of the St John Paul the Great Parish family, I look forward to our meeting, our future conversations, and the sharing of ideas. I am excited to get to work and help our students and school reach their highest potential in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment. Spread the word, we are united, we are reinvigorated and we are building excitement right next door. Will you join us?